Wildflowers & Grasses

If you use the footpath next to the wildlife site and the railway line and look carefully at certain times of year, from April to September depending on the species, you may see a variety of common wild flowers alongside the footpath and in the hay meadows (Fields 1 and 2 on the Map).

The wildflowers and grasses in the hay meadows (Fields 1 and 2) and in the wetter area, Field 6, were surveyed in July 2011, 2015 and 2017 by different well qualified biologists. In total they identified 75 different species of wildflowers and grasses in these three fields. Additional varieties of wildflowers have been noted at other times of year and on other parts of the site.

A few examples of the wildflowers photographed on the site are shown below. Most of the flowers here are very common species but a few are listed as Near Threatened on the Vascular Plant Red List for England.

View interactive table of all Wildflowers & Grasses seen on the Wildlife Site

Autumn Hawkbit

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Bird's-foot Trefoil

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Black Knapweed

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Bush Vetch

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Common Cat's-ear

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Common Comfrey

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Common Dog Violet

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Common Hemp-nettle

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Common Spotted Orchid

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Common Valerian

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Common Vetch

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Creeping Buttercup

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Creeping Thistle

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Devil's Bit Scabious

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Field Forget-me-not

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Field Scabious

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Germander Speedwell

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Great Burnet

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Greater Stitchwort

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Hairy tare

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Hedge Woundwort

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Lady's Bedstraw

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Lady's Smock

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Lesser Celandine

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Lesser Spearwort

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Lesser Stitchwort

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Marsh Bedstraw

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Marsh Bird's-foot Trefoil

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Marsh Thistle

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Meadow Buttercup

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Meadow Cranesbill

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Meadow Vetchling

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Ox-eye Daisy

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Ragged Robin

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Red Clover

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Ribwort Plantain

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Rough Hawkbit

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Snake's-head Fritillary

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Southern Marsh Orchid

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Spear Thistle

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Trefoil, Lesser

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Tufted Hair Grass

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Tufted Vetch

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White Clover

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Wild Majoram

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Wood Anemone

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Yellow Rattle

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Zig-zag Clover

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