
Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) and White Clover (Trifolium repens) have the familiar leaf shape, consisting of three leaflets with pale V shaped marks, and round flower heads from May-September. Both are very popular with bumble bees. In recent years Red Clover has been more abundant in the hayfields, Fields 1 and 2, whilst White Cover which was previously abundant has become much less frequent.

Zig-zag Clover (Trifolium medium) also known as Mammoth Clover has paler flowers than Red Clover and larger and more slender leaves without the white V marking. Zig-Zag clover is rare here but may be seen near to the public footpath Fields 1 and 2.

Lesser Trefoil (Trifolium dubium) is at the other end of the size range. It is much smaller than Red and White Clover and has tiny yellow globe shape flower heads. The Lesser Trefoil leaf is the shamrock worn by Irishmen as a national symbol on St Patrick's Day. Lesser Trefoil has become abundant in Fields 1 and 2.

Further Information

For further information on the species in this group, please click the links below:

Red Clover White Clover Zig-zag Clover Trefoil, Lesser

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