Grey Heron

The Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) is a large impressive bird standing about a metre tall and with a 1.8 metre wing span.

There are usually one or more Grey Herons at the pond in Field 4 of the Wildlife Site throughout the year. The most we have seen there at one time is nine, in September 2020. There is a small heronry where Grey Heron nest in trees at Combs Reservoir about one kilometre west from the Wildlife Site and it is assumed they come from there. Herons are meat eating predators. There is an abundance of fish in Combs Reservoir but no fish in the Wildlife Site pond. The herons appear to come mainly to rest at the pond in Field 4 but also probably to feed on frogs, mallard ducklings and even on young lapwing that the lapwing mothers bring to feed in the shallows. Herons are also seen in the rush pasture of Fields 3 and 4.

Further Information

For further information on the Grey Heron, please click here.

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